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Motivation is essential to achieving success in all aspects of life, from personal growth to career advancement. However, with so many different types of motivation, it can be challenging to determine which is the best fit for you. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of motivation and determine which is the best type of motivation for achieving success.

According to incentive theories of motivation, there are two major types of motivation:

Intrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic motivation is the type of motivation that comes from within. It is driven by personal enjoyment, satisfaction, and a desire to learn and grow. Intrinsic motivation is often associated with pursuing activities that are enjoyable and challenging. Examples of intrinsic motivation include:

· Pursuing a hobby or interest for personal enjoyment

· Learning a new skill or language for personal growth

· Setting personal goals and working towards achieving them

The benefit of intrinsic motivation is that it is self-sustaining, meaning that individuals who are intrinsically motivated do not require external rewards or recognition to stay motivated.

Extrinsic Motivation: Extrinsic motivation is the type of motivation that is driven by external factors, such as rewards or punishments. Examples of extrinsic motivation include:

· Working towards a bonus or promotion at work

· Studying for a test to achieve a good grade

· Exercising to lose weight or improve physical appearance

The benefit of extrinsic motivation is that it can be an effective way to achieve short-term goals and provide a tangible reward for hard work. However, it is important to note that extrinsic motivation may not be sustainable in the long-term, as individuals may lose motivation if the rewards are not substantial enough.

Which is the Best Type of Motivation?

Determining the best type of motivation depends on the individual and their goals. In general, intrinsic motivation is considered to be the best type of motivation for achieving long-term success and personal fulfillment. This is because it is self-sustaining and driven by personal satisfaction and growth.

However, extrinsic motivation can also be effective in achieving short-term goals and providing external rewards for hard work. In some cases, a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation may be the best approach to achieving success.

Tips for Staying Motivated

Regardless of the type of motivation, staying motivated can be challenging at times. Here are some tips for staying motivated:

Set clear and achievable goals: Setting goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) can help individuals stay motivated and focused on their objectives.

Find a support system: Having a support system, such as friends, family, or a mentor, can provide encouragement and motivation during challenging times.

Celebrate small wins: Celebrating small wins can help individuals stay motivated and build momentum towards achieving larger goals.

Take breaks: Taking breaks and engaging in self-care activities can help individuals avoid burnout and stay motivated over the long-term.


In conclusion, intrinsic motivation is considered to be the best type of motivation for achieving long-term success and personal fulfillment. However, extrinsic motivation can also be effective in achieving short-term goals and providing external rewards for hard work.

Ultimately, the best type of motivation depends on the individual and their goals. By setting clear goals, finding a support system, celebrating small wins, and taking breaks, individuals can stay motivated and achieve success.